EndoSec Cryptographic Products
EndoSec specializes in creating robust implementations of cryptographic algorithms which are resistant to a number of advanced attacks. Our algorithms are available in both firmware and software. Firmware cores are ready for implementation in silicon.
EndoSec Encryption products:
Leakage Resilient Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-LR) - NIST CAVP Validated
Post-Quantum Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM)
Post-Quantum Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Algorithm (ML-DSA)
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) - NIST CAVP Validated
All of the NIST/NSA Suite B algorithms are available as standard cores, high speed variants, or 'secured'. We can custom tailor the cores to the specific application.
EndoSec 'Hardened' Cryptographic Modules
The EndoSec 'hardened' cryptographic modules consist of additional techniques to protect from advanced attackers. EndoSec has baseline algorithms that are easily adjusted to fit customer's needs: speed vs. security vs. gate usage
The EndoSec cores work well in all ASIC and FPGA parts and are customized to fit each target and exploit the resources in the most useful way.
All the above modules were developed by EndoSec using Cleared US Citizens.
EndoSec Anti-tamper (AT) Products
Post quantum cryptosystems
Secure bus controller
Secure memory controller
Secure boot controller